Collection: Apophyllite

Apophyllite can be a beautiful mineral, forming in lustrous, transparent crystals that are well-formed and occasionally very large. Though it is found worldwide in volcanic zeolite environments, the Indian traprack quarries have produced enormous quantities of this mineral in all different shapes, sizes, and colors

The gemstones known as Apophyllite belong to a solid solutions series of minerals that includes Fluorapophyllite-(K), Fluorapophyllite-(Na), and Hydroxyapophyllite-(K). Fluorapophyllite-(K) is the most commonly found type.  

Apophyllite is a powerful spiritual stone, helping to cleanse your aura and clear negative energy. Apophyllite is a great crystal to meditate with as it is connected with the 8th chakra (also known as the Soul Star) which hovers just above the head. It enables astral travel, enhances spiritual growth and intuition, plus connects us with our spirit guides and guardian angels. 

Color: Colorless, white, gray, green, brown. Rarely pink, purple, red, or orange.

Hardness: 4.5-5 on Mohs scale.